Blog para repartir asuntos y noticias de programas favoritas de Ciencia Ficcion, Astronomia y Lectura. Incluye Documentales Factuales en relaccion con estas temas.
Is the Bible True from Beginning to End?
Creation Today 1/19/12 | Skeptics often claim that there are contradictions in the Bible. Is Scripture accurate regarding the value of pi or even the number of legs on a locust? Eric and Paul discuss why we can trust the Bible's accuracy from beginning to end. more more
Explosive Geological Evidence For Creation (Creation 101, Part 2) - Bruce Malone
This talk was given to over 300 high school and college students at a Myth Busters Youth Rally in Mt. Pleasant, IN. After a brief overview of the scientific support for the creation model, this lecture explains how rapidly geological change can happen. A recent world restructuring flood explains the geology of our planet far better than slow processes over millions of years. This flood is the key to understanding all historical sciences including geology, paleontology, and anthropology.
Visit Malone's website at
Bruce Malone gave his life to Christ over 20 years ago, as the Lord miraculously preserved him through a close call with death. Since that time Bruce has looked for a deeper purpose in life and realized that rejection of Biblical truth, justified by belief in evolution, is the acid which is eating away at the moral foundation of our culture.
Bruce spent 27 years working as a research leader for the Dow Chemical Corporation,... more Visit Malone's website at
Bruce Malone gave his life to Christ over 20 years ago, as the Lord miraculously preserved him through a close call with death. Since that time Bruce has looked for a deeper purpose in life and realized that rejection of Biblical truth, justified by belief in evolution, is the acid which is eating away at the moral foundation of our culture.
The Creation Foundation (Creation 101, Part 1) - Bruce Malone
This lecture was given during the evening session of the Creation Expo in Indianapolis, IN. This teaching explains that the core of atheism, Darwinism, and the naturalism is not evolution but billions of years - which makes the impossible seem possible. Those out to destroy the belief in Christianity will compromise on anything except this enormous time frame. Meanwhile, the overpowering evidence for a recent creation, and the straightforward recent creation teaching of Scripture is ignored by the Christian community - with disastrous results. This lecture expounds upon both the evidence for a recent creation and the importance of this issue.
Bruce Malone - Search for the Truth Minstries website -
Bruce Malone gave his life to Christ over 20 years ago, as the Lord miraculously preserved him through a close call with death. Since that time Bruce has looked for a deeper purpose in life and realized that rejection of Biblical t... more
Bruce Malone - Search for the Truth Minstries website -
Bruce Malone gave his life to Christ over 20 years ago, as the Lord miraculously preserved him through a close call with death. Since that time Bruce has looked for a deeper purpose in life and realized that rejection of Biblical t... more
The Design of the Solar System - Billy Crone
An Intelligent Creation Video Series, Part 2, The Design of the Solar System - Billy Crone more
The Co-Existence of Humans & Dinosaurs (4 of 4) - Dr. Don Patton
The Co-Existence of Humans & Dinosaurs (3 of 4) - Dr. Don Patton
The Co-Existence of Humans & Dinosaurs (3 of 4) - Dr. Don Patton
Dr. Don Patton discusses the evidence for the co-existence of modern-day humans and dinosaurs. There is some pretty good information within this four-part video. Be sure to watch them all! more
The Co-Existence of Humans & Dinosaurs (2 of 4) - Dr. Don Patton
Dr. Don Patton discusses the evidence for the co-existence of modern-day humans and dinosaurs. There is some pretty good information within this four-part video. Be sure to watch them all! more
The Co-Existence of Humans & Dinosaurs (1 of 4) - Dr. Don Patton
Dr. Don Patton discusses the evidence for the co-existence of modern-day humans and dinosaurs. There is some pretty good information within this four-part video. Be sure to watch them all! more
Genesis Why does it Matter? (Part 4 of 4) - Brian Catalucci
Brian Catalucci, Answers in Genesis speaker, discusses the impact of Genesis on our culture and the implications of the lack of an understanding of a literal interpretation of Genesis. more
Genesis Why does it Matter? (Part 3 of 4) - Brian Catalucci
Brian Catalucci, Answers in Genesis speaker, discusses the impact of Genesis on our culture and the implications of the lack of an understanding of a literal interpretation of Genesis. more
Genesis Why does it Matter? (Part 2 of 4) - Brian Catalucc
Brian Catalucci, Answers in Genesis speaker, discusses the impact of Genesis on our culture and the implications of the lack of an understanding of a literal interpretation of Genesis. more
Genesis Why does it Matter? (Part 1 of 4) - Brian Catalucci
Brian Catalucci, Answers in Genesis speaker, discusses the impact of Genesis on our culture and the implications of the lack of an understanding of a literal interpretation of Genesis. more
ScienceCasts: Re-thinking an Alien World
A distant super-Earth named "55 Cancri e" is wetter and weirder than astronomers thought possible. The discovery has researchers re-thinking the nature of alien worlds. more
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The Ultimate Proof of Creation - Dr. Jason Lisle, Part 2 of 2
On Friday, April 10th, 2009 Rocky Mountain Creation Fellowship ( http://YoungEarth.Org ) welcomed Dr. Jason Lisle from Answers in Genesis ( . Jason has been a long time member of RMCF and has spoken here while he was pursuing his Ph.D. at CU in Boulder.
Most practicing astronomers and astrophysicists believe in the big bang, a billions-of-years-old universe and other evolutionary ideas. But based on Scripture and the best interpretation of the scientific evidence, they are simply wrong, according to Dr. Jason Lisle. He is an astrophysicist with a Ph.D. from the University of Colorado at Boulder, Dr. Lisle is now helping AiG (and the creation movement as a whole) refute the evolutionary account of origins—using his strong science background. He also has designed exciting planetarium programs for the Creation Museum ( ) in Northern Kentucky (near Cincinnati, Ohio).
Now residing in Northern Kentucky, Dr. Lisle lives just a few ... more
Most practicing astronomers and astrophysicists believe in the big bang, a billions-of-years-old universe and other evolutionary ideas. But based on Scripture and the best interpretation of the scientific evidence, they are simply wrong, according to Dr. Jason Lisle. He is an astrophysicist with a Ph.D. from the University of Colorado at Boulder, Dr. Lisle is now helping AiG (and the creation movement as a whole) refute the evolutionary account of origins—using his strong science background. He also has designed exciting planetarium programs for the Creation Museum ( ) in Northern Kentucky (near Cincinnati, Ohio).
Now residing in Northern Kentucky, Dr. Lisle lives just a few ... more
Big Problems with the Big Bang - Part 1 - Dr. Jason Lisle
This video was produced by and downloaded from AIG: Visit Answers in Genesis at AIG is a cyber portal to a wonderful world. It's a truly great website, rich in trustworthy and creative resources for all ages. We recommend it very highly. If you're looking for resources to assist you in defending your faith in Jesus Christ, this is the first place to go! more
Big Problems with the Big Bang - Part 2 - Dr. Jason Lisle
This video was produced by and downloaded from AIG: Visit Answers in Genesis at AIG is a cyber portal to a wonderful world. It's a truly great website, rich in trustworthy and creative resources for all ages. We recommend it very highly. If you're looking for resources to assist you in defending your faith in Jesus Christ, this is the first place to go! more
Black Hole Meltdown in the Galactic Center
Black hole extravaganza in 1080p. From ESO-Cast. Not long ago, watching something being ripped apart as it falls towards a giant black hole would be science fiction. This is now reality.
Observers under dark skies, far from the bright city lights, can marvel at the splendor of the Milky Way, arching in an imposing band across the sky. Zooming in towards the center of our galaxy, about 25000 light years away, you can see that it is composed of myriads of stars.
This is a pretty impressive sight, but much is hidden from view by interstellar dust, and astronomers need to look using a different wavelength, the infrared, that can penetrate the dust clouds. With large telescopes, astronomers can then see in detail the swarm of stars circling the supermassive black hole, in the same way that the Earth orbits the Sun.
The Galactic Center harbors the closest supermassive black hole known, and the one that is also the largest in terms of its angular diameter on the sky, making it the... more
Observers under dark skies, far from the bright city lights, can marvel at the splendor of the Milky Way, arching in an imposing band across the sky. Zooming in towards the center of our galaxy, about 25000 light years away, you can see that it is composed of myriads of stars.
This is a pretty impressive sight, but much is hidden from view by interstellar dust, and astronomers need to look using a different wavelength, the infrared, that can penetrate the dust clouds. With large telescopes, astronomers can then see in detail the swarm of stars circling the supermassive black hole, in the same way that the Earth orbits the Sun.
The Galactic Center harbors the closest supermassive black hole known, and the one that is also the largest in terms of its angular diameter on the sky, making it the... more
Einstein's Greatest Blunder
Albert Einstein sought to explain why the gravity of all the stars and gas out there didnt simply cause the universe to collapse into a heap. Following the discovery of the expanding universe, he admitted to the "greatest blunder" of his career. more
The Great Solar Mag Flip
From NASA Heliophysics. The number of sunspots increases and decreases over time in a regular, approximately 11-year cycle, called the sunspot cycle. The exact length of the cycle can vary. It has been as short as eight years and as long as fourteen, but the number of sunspots always increases over time, and then returns to low again.
More sunspots mean increased solar activity, when great blooms of radiation known as solar flares or bursts of solar material known as coronal mass ejections (CMEs) shoot off the sun's surface. The highest number of sun spots in any given cycle is designated "solar maximum," while the lowest number is designated "solar minimum." Each cycle, varies dramatically in intensity, with some solar maxima being so low as to be almost indistinguishable from the preceding minimum.
Sunspots are a magnetic phenomenon and the entire sun is magnetized with a north and a south magnetic pole just like a bar magnet. The comparison to a simple bar magnet ends there... more
More sunspots mean increased solar activity, when great blooms of radiation known as solar flares or bursts of solar material known as coronal mass ejections (CMEs) shoot off the sun's surface. The highest number of sun spots in any given cycle is designated "solar maximum," while the lowest number is designated "solar minimum." Each cycle, varies dramatically in intensity, with some solar maxima being so low as to be almost indistinguishable from the preceding minimum.
Sunspots are a magnetic phenomenon and the entire sun is magnetized with a north and a south magnetic pole just like a bar magnet. The comparison to a simple bar magnet ends there... more
Ghost Lights from Earth Orbit
A "Ghost Light" is an unexplained luminescent phenomena. That's how aliens might see Earth if they arrived with no awareness of its civilizations, atmosphere and climate, and magnetic field. Astronauts aboard the International Space Station are all too familiar with the city lights, the thunderstorms, and the aurorae that turn Earth into a planet of soft glows and flickering beams. This video has been made up of timelapse sequences captured aboard the ISS. Enjoy in 1080p! more
NASA Legends Awarded Congressional Gold Medal
The Gold Medal, Congress's highest expression of national appreciation for distinguished achievements and contributions, was presented to four storied NASA astronauts: John Glenn, Neil Armstrong, Michael Collins, and Buzz Aldrin on Nov. 16, 2011. The award ceremony in the Capitol Rotunda was hosted by House and Senate leaders of both parties. (Includes excerpts of speeches by Neil Armstrong, John Glenn and NASA Administrator Charles Bolden, plus video of Glenn's Friendship 7 and the Apollo 11 missions.) Glenn was the first American to orbit the Earth, achieving the feat onboard Friendship 7 on February 20, 1962. On July 20, 1969, Armstrong and Aldrin became the first humans to set foot on the Moon, while Collins piloted Apollo 11's command module. more
Jupiter Moon's Subsurface Ocean of Water
Data from a previous NASA planetary mission, Galileo, have provided scientists evidence of what appears to be a body of liquid water just beneath the icy surface of Jupiter's moon, Europa. The data suggest that, not only is the volume of this Europan subsurface ocean similar to that of the North American Great Lakes, but also that there is significant exchange between the moon's icy shell and the ocean beneath. more
Station Welcomes Three New Residents
Following the hatch opening of their Soyuz spacecraft, NASA astronaut Dan Burbank and cosmonauts Anton Shkaplerov and Anatoly Ivanishin are greeted by Expedition 29 Commander Mike Fossum, JAXA's Satoshi Furukawa, and cosmonaut Sergei Volkov aboard the International Space Station. more
Expedition 29 Launches to the Space Station
Expedition 29 Soyuz Commander Anton Shkaplerov, NASA Flight Engineer Dan Burbank and Russian Flight Engineer Anatoly Ivanishin launched on the Russian Soyuz TMA-22 spacecraft on November 14, 2011, (November 13 in the United States) from the Baikonur Cosmodrome in Kazakhstan to begin a two-day journey to the International Space Station. The trio will dock to the station on November 15, U.S. time, to start a five and a half month tour on the complex, joining station Commander Mike Fossum of NASA, Russian Flight Engineer Sergei Volkov and Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency Flight Engineer Satoshi Furukawa, who have been on the outpost since June. more
Expedition 29 Crew Gets Final Approval for Launch
Expedition 29 Soyuz Commander Anton Shkaplerov, NASA Flight Engineer Dan Burbank and Russian Flight Engineer Anatoly Ivanishin appeared before the Russian State Commission on November 12, 2011, in Baikonur, Kazakhstan. The commission gave its final approval for their launch. The crew also conducted a final pre-launch news conference at the Cosmonaut Hotel crew quarters and prepared for liftoff on November 14, Baikonur time, in the Soyuz TMA-22 spacecraft. The trio will begin a five and a half month mission on the International Space Station. Also featured in the video are the backup crew members, Russian Soyuz Commander Gennady Padalka, NASA Flight Engineer Joe Acaba and Russian Flight Engineer Sergei Revin. more
NASA Heroes Awarded Congressional Gold Medal
The Gold Medal, Congress's highest expression of national appreciation for distinguished achievements and contributions, is presented to four storied NASA astronauts: John Glenn, Neil Armstrong, Michael Collins, and Buzz Aldrin. The Capitol Hill award ceremony was hosted by House and Senate leaders of both parties. more
NASA Recruits New Astronauts Via Web
For the first time, those wishing to become NASA astronauts can apply online. In this video that appears on the application site, Administrator and former astronaut Charles Bolden urges candidates to join NASA's astronauts Class of 2013 and be part of our nation's future space exploration effort. To learn more: more
Beginnings 4 - Dinosaurs With Man - Eric Hovind
Session 4 - Dinosaurs With Man
Something To Think About
Evidence for dinosaurs in modern history is abundant. Historical records substantiate the theory that dinosaurs lived with man. There is even reference to them in the Bible! The truth is, God created all living animals, and He told Noah to take them on the ark. Therefore, we should find much evidence that they lived with man - and we do!
What To Watch For
In this lesson, we explore the topic of dinosaurs! Pay close attention as Eric Hovind explains the common objections to the idea that dinosaurs lived with man. As children, we are indoctrinated at a young and impressionable age with the idea that dinosaurs lived millions and millions of years ago. This is a very effective tool to teach evolution to children. Satan has capitalized on this opportunity, exploiting the ignorance most people have on the subject of dinosaurs. We need not be ignorant of Satan's devices (II Cor. 2:11). The Bible accurately tells us... more
Something To Think About
Evidence for dinosaurs in modern history is abundant. Historical records substantiate the theory that dinosaurs lived with man. There is even reference to them in the Bible! The truth is, God created all living animals, and He told Noah to take them on the ark. Therefore, we should find much evidence that they lived with man - and we do!
What To Watch For
In this lesson, we explore the topic of dinosaurs! Pay close attention as Eric Hovind explains the common objections to the idea that dinosaurs lived with man. As children, we are indoctrinated at a young and impressionable age with the idea that dinosaurs lived millions and millions of years ago. This is a very effective tool to teach evolution to children. Satan has capitalized on this opportunity, exploiting the ignorance most people have on the subject of dinosaurs. We need not be ignorant of Satan's devices (II Cor. 2:11). The Bible accurately tells us... more
Origins - Creation Genetics & Adam Our Ancestor with Dr. Robert Carter
Creation Genetics & Adam Our Ancestor
Dr Robert W. Carter
Speaker/senior scientist, Creation Ministries International (USA)
2003 University of Miami, Ph.D. Marine Biology and Fisheries.
1992 Georgia Institute of Technology, B.S. Applied Biology, Co-Op, with high honor.
Professional Experience
2004--2005 Environmental Consultant (T.Y. Lin International/H.J. Ross)
Water quality monitoring—Miami River dredging project
Impact mitigation—Key West Harbor Dredging project
1996--2003 Doctoral Dissertation Work (University Of Miami)
Designed and performed experiments in marine ecology and genetic engineering
Helped develop new protocol for the rapid cloning of cnidarian fluorescent protein genes
Successfully cloned green and red fluorescent proteins from hard and soft corals
Helped create transgenic zebrafish with up-mutated fluorescent proteins
Worked with various PCR (e.g., long-distance, linker-mediated, and inverse), gene expression and Southern b... more
Dr Robert W. Carter
Speaker/senior scientist, Creation Ministries International (USA)
2003 University of Miami, Ph.D. Marine Biology and Fisheries.
1992 Georgia Institute of Technology, B.S. Applied Biology, Co-Op, with high honor.
Professional Experience
2004--2005 Environmental Consultant (T.Y. Lin International/H.J. Ross)
Water quality monitoring—Miami River dredging project
Impact mitigation—Key West Harbor Dredging project
1996--2003 Doctoral Dissertation Work (University Of Miami)
Designed and performed experiments in marine ecology and genetic engineering
Helped develop new protocol for the rapid cloning of cnidarian fluorescent protein genes
Successfully cloned green and red fluorescent proteins from hard and soft corals
Helped create transgenic zebrafish with up-mutated fluorescent proteins
Worked with various PCR (e.g., long-distance, linker-mediated, and inverse), gene expression and Southern b... more
Tour of the Moon (Our One and Only)
A beautiful 1080p tour of our moon. It's so clear and beautiful you'll want to go there yourself. This virtual tour is based on data from NASA's Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter. Enjoy this "new" Moon and its noteworthy destinations.
Ancient peoples looked at the moon and saw in its patterns of shadow and light the figures of deities or animals.
The Italian scientist, Galileo Galilei, trained his telescope on our celestial companion and saw mountains and valleys much like those on Earth.
Scientists today, operating a fleet of spacecraft, are seeing evidence of past events that shaped the lunar landscape, and traces of water and minerals that may one day support a human presence.
Here's the Mare Orientale, an impact crater nearly 4 billion years old. The color, coded for elevation, highlights a bulls-eye pattern of concentric rings.
Now, let's go down under to the South Pole.
The pole sits within the wide rim of the famed Shackleton Crater. Direct sunlight never reach... more
Ancient peoples looked at the moon and saw in its patterns of shadow and light the figures of deities or animals.
The Italian scientist, Galileo Galilei, trained his telescope on our celestial companion and saw mountains and valleys much like those on Earth.
Scientists today, operating a fleet of spacecraft, are seeing evidence of past events that shaped the lunar landscape, and traces of water and minerals that may one day support a human presence.
Here's the Mare Orientale, an impact crater nearly 4 billion years old. The color, coded for elevation, highlights a bulls-eye pattern of concentric rings.
Now, let's go down under to the South Pole.
The pole sits within the wide rim of the famed Shackleton Crater. Direct sunlight never reach... more
Station's Next Hook-Up on This Week @NASA
Astronaut Dan Burbank and cosmonauts Anatoly Ivinishin and Anton Shkaplerov are scheduled to hook up with fellow Expedition 29 crew members Mike Fossum, Sergei Volkov and Satoshi Furukawa aboard the International Space Station on Nov. 16 following their Soyuz spacecraft's launch on Nov. 13, Eastern. Also, students and the Commander; MSL ready; new tests for Orion spacecraft, J2-X engine; asteroid flyby; and more. more
ScienceCast: Mystery of the Lunar Ionosphere
How can a world without air have an ionosphere? Somehow the Moon has done it. Lunar researchers have been struggling with this mystery for years, and they may have finally found a solution. more
New Mars Rover Mission Remains on Target
Scientists and engineers on NASA's Mars Science Laboratory team provide a comprehensive status update of NASA's latest robotic mission to the Red Planet. The MSL's Curiosity rover is slated to be sent into space on Nov. 25 from Cape Canaveral Air Force Station in Florida. more
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NASA Administrator Issues Veterans Day Message
Administrator and former Marine, Charles Bolden, asks the NASA Family to join in remembering the contributions of our men and women in the armed services. more
Origins - Creation Week with Dr. Donald DeYoung
Creation Week with Dr. Donald DeYoung
Dr Donald DeYoung - website:
Creationist Physicist
Don DeYoung is Chairman of the Department of Physical Science at Grace College, Winona Lake, Indiana. He has taught at Grace since 1972, with sabbatical leaves spent in San Diego and the South Pacific. Dr DeYoung is also on the faculty of the Institute for Creation Research, San Diego. Courses taught include physics, astronomy and mathematics. He speaks on creation topics and believes that the details of nature are a powerful testimony to the Creator's care for mankind.
Dr DeYoung and his wife Sally have three married daughters. In their local church, Don is a Sunday school teacher, elder and member of the Warsaw Christian School Board.
Michigan Tech University (B.S., M.S., Physics)
Iowa State University (Ph.D., Physics)
Grace Seminary (M.Div.)
Indiana Acad... more
Origins - Breath of Life Part 2 - Lungs & Blood with Dr. David Menton
Breath of Life - Lungs & Blood
Dr. Menton's Biography
Professional Affiliations:
Biomedical research technician at Mayo Clinic, Rochester, Minnesota in the Department of Dermatology (1960-62)
Associate Professor of Anatomy at Washington University School of Medicine, St. Louis, Missouri (1966-2000)
Associate Professor Emeritus of Anatomy at Washington University School of Medicine (July 2000)
Professional Activities:
Guest lecturer in gross anatomy
Former coursemaster of Microscopic Anatomy at Washington University School of Medicine
Consulting editor in Histology for 'Stedman's Medical Dictionary', a standard medical reference work
Extraprofessional activities:
Vice-president of Congregation of Faith Lutheran Church of Ballwin, Missouri
Sunday school teacher for high school students
President of the Missouri Association for Creation, St. Louis, Missouri
Technical Advisor for the Institute for Creation Research in San Diego, California
Lectured th... more
Dr. Menton's Biography
Professional Affiliations:
Biomedical research technician at Mayo Clinic, Rochester, Minnesota in the Department of Dermatology (1960-62)
Associate Professor of Anatomy at Washington University School of Medicine, St. Louis, Missouri (1966-2000)
Associate Professor Emeritus of Anatomy at Washington University School of Medicine (July 2000)
Professional Activities:
Guest lecturer in gross anatomy
Former coursemaster of Microscopic Anatomy at Washington University School of Medicine
Consulting editor in Histology for 'Stedman's Medical Dictionary', a standard medical reference work
Extraprofessional activities:
Vice-president of Congregation of Faith Lutheran Church of Ballwin, Missouri
Sunday school teacher for high school students
President of the Missouri Association for Creation, St. Louis, Missouri
Technical Advisor for the Institute for Creation Research in San Diego, California
Lectured th... more
Asteroid 2011 UZ close encounter with Earth 12 Nov 2011
Asteroid 2011 UZ close encounter with Earth 12 Nov 2011 more
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