Evidencia cientifica que apunta hacia Dios- El caso de un Creador


 Investigación de un periodista ateo en busca de una explicación científica acerca de la existencia de Dios. ¿Los decubrimientos recientes en las distintas areas de la ciencia nos acercan o alejan de la posible existencia de un Dios Creador? Las deficiencias del Darwinismo ante la Explosión Cámbrica. Disensión Científica al Darwinismo. Las deficiencias del Darwinismo y del materialismo reduccionista. El origen del Universo. Universo Bien Afinado. Universos multiples.

El Colapso del Darwinismo ~ The Collapse of Darwinism


 Documental que explica las deficiencias de la teoría de la evolución, y como ésta no está ni mucho menos demostrada. Enfoca el tema desde tres perspectivas: 1.- El origen de la vida. 2.- Mecanismos imaginarios de la evolución 3.- Registros fósiles

Incredible Facts of The Bible (HD)

Men and Dinosaurs (evolution? No.)

Age of the earth (Evolution is a Fake Science)

Truth Be Told - Evolutionary Hoaxes

Why DNA Proves Evolution Is False

Scientists: The Theory of Evolution is wrong (part2)

Scientists: The Theory of Evolution is wrong (part1)

Evidence against evolution (Part 6 of 6) Evidence for intelligent design

Does GOD exist? Scientific EVIDENCE and PROOF! (part 6 of 6)

Does GOD exist? Scientific EVIDENCE and PROOF! (part 5 of 6)

Does GOD exist? Scientific EVIDENCE and PROOF! (part 4 of 6)

Does GOD exist? Scientific EVIDENCE and PROOF! (part 3 of 6)

Does GOD exist? Scientific EVIDENCE and PROOF! (part 2 of 6)

Does GOD exist? Scientific EVIDENCE and PROOF! (part 1of 6)


Here is the scientific evidence, expert research, philosophical worldviews and theological research that you won't hear in Public Education, Wikipedia or the liberal media information dispensors. Please watch all 6 parts. This just scratches the surface of all the evidence for INTELLIGENT DESIGN. From atomic proof to DNA programs, this will get you started on the alternative worldview from the hopeless happenstance that the secularists and evolutionists want you to believe. Evolution is just a passe theory devised before the discovery of DNA design by a primitive atheist. Please expand your mind and move beyond these outdated stabs at atheism. Dr. Kent Hovind dr. dino creation evidnce museum carl baugh evolution intelligent design polonium halos halo earth Bible banning Grant Jeffrey Bible Codes signature of God Lee Stroble strobel case for Christ faith end times awakening
