Kent Hovind Debate vs Theistic Evolutionist John D. Callahan

Genesis: History or Myth? was the topic when well-known creationist Dr. Kent Hovind (Creation Science Evangelism,, with over 90 debates to his credit, took on theistic evolutionist John D. Callahan, president of Faith & Reason Ministries ( Callahan accepted Hovind's evolution offer in an open letter: $250,000 Evolution Challenge Accepted! Dr. Hovind responded to this letter during his radio show 8-26-04, and he also comments on biology and astronomy issues, politics, ministry, and other personalities in evolution and creationism (see link 1 or link 2, 5.34 Meg, 44:29 minutes).

The Debate took place at Faith Baptist Church and Schools (, 7644 Farralone Avenue, Canoga Park, CA 91304, on Sunday December 5, 2004 from 3:30 to 5p. The staffs of both Faith Baptist and Creation Science Evangelism were very helpful and pleasant, specifically Dr. Roland Rasmussen, Sr. (pastor), Tim Rasmussen (co-pastor), Roland... more

Creation Today: What is the Truth About God?

Creation Today: What is the Truth About God?
Creation Today 1-15-12 | Do you have a proper perspective of God? Watch as Eric Hovind uses evidence from space to challenge you to see God as much larger than ever before. more

Creation Minute 6 - How Old is the Earth - Eric Hovind

Creation Minute 5 - Flood Facts - Eric Hovind

Creation Minute 4 - Six Types of Evolution - Eric Hovind

Six definitions of evolution
1. Cosmic Evolution - the origin of time, space and matter
2. Chemical Evolutions - the origin of all the elements
3. Stellar Evolution - the origin of stars and planets
4. Organic Evoltuion - the origin of Life from non-life
5. Macro Evolution - the origin of the major kinds of plants and animals
6. Micro Evolution - simple variations within the kinds

Only Micro Evolution has been observed and tested!

The rest are not part of science.


and more

Creation Minute 3 - Grand Canyon Flood - Eric Hovind

Creation Minute 2 - Evolution Formula - Eric Hovind

Creation Minute 1 - How Big is Big - Eric Hovind

War of the Worldviews - Christianity vs. Naturalism - Dr. John Byl

Some claim science has "killed" God. Yet science is not objective but is very much worldview-driven. Worldviews reflect our most basic presuppositions about reality. The defense of naturalism & post-modernity are ultimately self-refuting. Christianity, on the other hand, gives coherence, meaning, purpose & hope.

This video file is a 60 minute seminar by John Byl [ ]that was recorded during the Seattle Creation Conference, [ ] October 2010.

View more videos from the 2010 conference -

Dinosaurs - The Lost World of the Bible - Chris Ashcraft

Dinosaurs have inspired countless myths and legends, but where do the facts meet with the Bible? Paleontologists assert that dinosaurs went extinct 65 million years ago, long before humans ever walked the Earth. But, this view is in stark contrast to the creation account in Genesis, which states the both humans and land animals were created on the same day.

This presentation will provide a summary of the naturalist perspective of dinosaurs, and then look to the Bible for insight into their true history. Are dinosaurs mentioned in the Bible? Were they also placed on Noah's ark? If so, why are they now extinct? These and other key issues will be answered in this popular talk.

This video file is a 60 minute seminar by Chris Ashcraft [ ] that was recorded during the Seattle Creation Conference [ ], October 2010.

View the online Powerpoint presentation used by Ashcraft more

The Laws of Science - Dr. Don Patton

The Laws of Science Support Young Earth Creation. This is a very interesting seminar that looks at Creation vs. Evolution. Specifically, this video focuses on the topic of the "Laws of Science". This video was presented by Don Patton, PhD.. Definitely worth watching!!

Here is the outline for the video: Dr. Pstton recommends you print the outline below before viewing the video. Then watch the video with the hard copy (printed) of the outline in your hand. Enjoy! more

Yellowstone Super Volcano Alert - History Channel Special

Hard Questions for Evolutionists - Part 2 of 2 - Dr. Carl Baugh

Rocky Mountain Creation Fellowship ( ) was pleased to have Dr. Carl Baugh, Founder and Director of Creation Evidence Museum ( ), in Glen Rose Texas speak on the subject "Hard Questions for Evolutionists" at their May 13, 2011 meeting.

More than thirty years of Dr. Baugh's life have been spent researching the atmospheric conditions before the Genesis Flood, and he is Research Director for the world's first Hyperbaric Biosphere. He serves as Discoverer and Excavation Director of fourteen dinosaurs, including Acrocanthosaurus in Texas and Diplodocus in Colorado. Dr. Baugh is also co-discoverer and co-excavator of a unique South American ammonite that has not been described in the technical literature. He has led three scientific expeditions into the rain forests of Papua New Guinea in search of living pterodactyls. He will share with us some interesting recent data on human/dinosaur footprints.

Dr. Baugh's Degrees include:
Doctor... more

Hard Questions for Evolutionists - Part 1 of 2 - Dr. Carl Baugh

Rocky Mountain Creation Fellowship ( ) was pleased to have Dr. Carl Baugh, Founder and Director of Creation Evidence Museum ( ), in Glen Rose Texas speak on the subject "Hard Questions for Evolutionists" at their May 13, 2011 meeting.

More than thirty years of Dr. Baugh's life have been spent researching the atmospheric conditions before the Genesis Flood, and he is Research Director for the world's first Hyperbaric Biosphere. He serves as Discoverer and Excavation Director of fourteen dinosaurs, including Acrocanthosaurus in Texas and Diplodocus in Colorado. Dr. Baugh is also co-discoverer and co-excavator of a unique South American ammonite that has not been described in the technical literature. He has led three scientific expeditions into the rain forests of Papua New Guinea in search of living pterodactyls. He will share with us some interesting recent data on human/dinosaur footprints.

Dr. Baugh's Degrees include:
Doctor... more

More proof a plane did not hit PENTAGON

Fact vs. Faith in the Textbooks

Creation Today 12-28-11 | Evolutionists claim that their theory is a concluded issue. The debate is over. Evolution is a fact. But this simply isn't the case. Watch as Eric and Paul review the key "evidences" of evolutionism and demonstrate its total lack of fact. more

Why the Runaway Universe Discovery Won the Nobel Prize in Physics

From EsoCast, Dr. J. explores the upheaval in our understanding of the universe brought on by the discovery that the universe is not just expanding, but is accelerating outward at an ever increasing pace. Was Einstein wrong? Are we missing something crucial in our understanding of how it all began? Either way, this is one of the most exciting scientific discoveries in a long time. more

The Spectacle of Star Death

The Spectacle of Star Death
Take a breathtaking journey into the future, five billion years from now, to see the ultimate fate of the Solar System. This gem from HubbleCast showcases stunning Hubble imagery of the death throes of Sun-like stars. The wreckage of these dying stars form the building blocks of new generations of stars. more

911 Case Study: Pentagon Flight 77

This is a simulation of what could have happened at the Pentagon, bu there is no concrete evidence that a plane of such size could have made the damages. There are other speculations flying around hat a drone was used. The following videos demostrate other theories and scenarios.



Rare Pentagon 9-11 Surveillance Camera Video of Impact

