Titan's "Magic Island" and A Triple Black Hole!

Publicado el 4 jul. 2014

The First Star-Within-A-Star

Publicado el 12 jun. 2014
SciShow Space shares the latest news from around the universe, including the first observation of a star-within-a-star, and the debut image from the newest telescope to be enlisted in the hunt for alien worlds.
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Zombie Stars Discovered!

Publicado el 28 oct. 2014
SciShow Space reveals the discovery of a whole new kind of supernova, and the undead stars they leave behind.
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White Holes: An Impossible Possibility

Publicado el 6 may. 2014
Reid Reimers expands your mind with an explanation of white holes -- celestial objects that almost definitely are not real things that can be found in nature. Except, we might have actually seen one.

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How can Stars Billions of Light Years Away Appear to Adam & Eve?

Publicado el 7 ene. 2014
Dr. Humphreys provides a fascinating cosmology for how stars could appear to Adam and Eve.

For biblical creationists this seems to be completely contrary to the Bible's Young Earth perspective. Since some stars are billions of light years away, it seems foolish to believe that the universe is only 6.000 years old. This is a problem for biblical creationists and it is a huge public relations problem since it is easy for moderately educated people to understand the problem and what it means in regard to the age of the Universe.

In recent years creation cosmologists have been thinking about how to solve the problem. Several of them have come up with testable hypotheses. Dr. Humphreys has a scientifically realistic solution to the problem. His PhD is in physics from Louisiana State University in 1972. He has worked for General Electric and Sandia National Laboratories in nuclear physics.

Watch this video to learn about Einstein's theory of relativity, atomic clocks, an event horizon, black holes and red shift. Through this interview you will learn how modern understanding of physics helps us understand that light from the stars was indeed available for Adam and Eve to see.


Publicado el 22 jun. 2014
Mars Underground Project

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KEPLER 186F - LIFE AFTER EARTH - Documentary

Publicado el 4 jun. 2014
KEPLER 186F - LIFE AFTER EARTH - 2014 Documentary
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If Alien exist where do they live and how do they live?
Scientists say a world that's 490 light-years away qualifies as the first confirmed Earth-sized exoplanet that could sustain life as we know it — but in an environment like nothing we've ever seen.
The planet, known as Kepler-186f, is "more of an Earth cousin than an Earth twin," Elisa Quintana, an astronomer at the SETI Institute at NASA Ames Research Center, told the journal Science. Quintana is the lead author of a report on the planet published by Science this week.
"This discovery does confirm that Earth-sized planets do exist in the habitable zones of other stars," Quintana said during a Thursday news briefing at NASA Headquarters.
Kepler-186f goes around an M-type dwarf star that's smaller and cooler than our sun. But it orbits much closer to its parent star than Earth does, within what would be Mercury's orbit in our own solar system. Those two factors combine to produce an environment that could allow for liquid water on the surface, assuming that the planet had a heat-trapping atmosphere.

"The star, to our eyes, would look slightly orange-y," about a third again as big as our sun but only a third as bright, said co-author Thomas Barclay, a staff scientist for NASA's Kepler mission who is also affiliated with NASA and the Bay Area Environmental Research Institute. At midday, Kepler-186f's landscape might look similar to what we see on Earth an hour before sunset, he told NBC News.
Or it might not: If the planet lacked an atmosphere to retain and redistribute its sun's warmth, it would be a cold, dry, lifeless world.

Kepler-186f probably rates as the most potentially Earthlike planet discovered so far, said Jim Kasting, a geoscientist at Penn State University who did not play a role in the Science study. But he told NBC News that it's still "less likely to be habitable than planets around more sunlike stars." Even better prospects for alien habitability might well be identified in the months and years to come.

How the world was found

Kepler-186f is just the latest discovery to be pulled out of terabytes' worth of data collected by the Kepler mission. Before it went on the fritz last year, the Kepler space telescope stared at more than 150,000 stars in a patch of sky, looking for the telltale dimming of starlight as planets passed over the stars' disks. Nearly 1,000 exoplanets have been confirmed using Kepler data, and almost 3,000 more candidates are still awaiting confirmation.

It takes years of observation to confirm the pattern of dimming and brightening that's associated with alien planets, particularly if the planets are small and far from their parent stars. In February, astronomers reported that at least four worlds circled the dwarf star known as Kepler-186 or KOI-571. In this week's Science paper, Quintana and her colleagues confirm the existence of Kepler-186f as the fifth and outermost world.
They report that Kepler-186f is about 10 percent wider than Earth, tracing a 130-day orbit around its sun at a mean distance of 0.35 astronomical units. (An astronomical unit is the distance between Earth and our sun, which is 93 million miles or 150 million kilometers.) That would put Kepler-186f on the cooler, outer side of the star's habitable zone — the range of orbital distances where liquid water could exist on a planet's surface.

Astronomers have confirmed the existence of other planets in their stars' habitable zone, but those prospects are super-Earth-size. Smaller habitable-zone candidates also have been found, but they have yet to be confirmed as planets.

Barclay said Kepler-186f was particularly promising because it's less than 1.5 times the size of Earth. Planets in that size range are more likely to be rocky with a thinner atmosphere, like Earth, Mars and Venus. But worlds exceeding that size stand a better chance of retaining a thick atmosphere of hydrogen and helium, like the giant planet Neptune.

"While those planets also could be rocky, they don't remind us of home," Barclay said.
Could we actually detect signs of life on Kepler-186f? That's a tough one. The astronomers behind the discovery acknowledge that the planet might be just too far away for follow-up studies. The SETI Institute has been searching for radio signals from the Kepler-186 system over a wide frequency range (1 to 10 GHz), but so far nothing has been detected.

The Most Powerful Objects in the Universe

Publicado el 23 sept. 2012
All across the immense reaches of time and space, energy is being exchanged, transferred, released, in a great cosmic pinball game we call our universe.

How does energy stitch the cosmos together, and how do we fit within it? We now climb the power scales of the universe, from atoms, nearly frozen to stillness, to Earth's largest explosions. From stars, colliding, exploding, to distant realms so strange and violent they challenge our imaginations. Where will we find the most powerful objects in the universe?

Today, energy is very much on our minds as we search for ways to power our civilization and serve the needs of our citizens. But what is energy? Where does it come from? And where do we stand within the great power streams that shape time and space?

Energy comes from a Greek word for activity or working. In physics, it's simply the property or the state of anything in our universe that allows it to do work. Whether it's thermal, kinetic, electro-magnetic, chemical, or gravitational.

The 19th century German scientist Hermann von Helmholtz found that all forms of energy are equivalent, that one form can be transformed into any other. The laws of physics say that in a closed system - such as our universe - energy is conserved. It may be converted, concentrated, or dissipated, but it's never lost.

James Prescott Joule built an apparatus that demonstrated this principle. It had a weight that descended into water and caused a paddle to rotate. He showed that the gravitational energy lost by the weight is equivalent to heat gained by the water from friction with the paddle. That led to one of several basic energy yardsticks, called a joule. It's the amount needed to lift an apple weighing 100 grams one meter against the pull of Earth's gravity.

In case you were wondering, it takes about one hundred joules to send a tweet, so tweeted a tech from Twitter. The metabolism of an average sized person, going about their day, generates about 100 joules a second, or 100 watts, the equivalent of a 100-watt light bulb.

In vigorous exercise, the power output of the body goes up by a factor of ten, one order of magnitude, to around a thousand joules per second, or a thousand watts. In a series of leaps, by additional factors of ten, we can explore the full energy spectrum of the universe.

GOD and the UNIVERSE (Watch In HD 720p)

Actualizado el 20 feb. 2011
God's Universe... See For Yourself.
Thanks to Louie Giglio... Glory To God!
Please feel free to download this video
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The Bible Is True, science proves that the Bible is very scientific ( Ch...

Actualizado el 8 sept. 2011
Before space science was developed,some people regarded the Bible as mythology.
Today, science proves that the Bible is very scientific and even surpasses modern science.

Believe the Bible! 

The Holy Bible is the only book that leads us to salvation.

Proving the GOD of the Bible - Sye Ten Bruggencate - Proof of GOD Confer...

 Publicado el 22 ene. 2015
http://proofthatgodexists.org | 

“For I am persuaded, that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor powers, nor things present, nor things to come, nor height, nor depth, nor any other creature, shall be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord.” Romans 8:38-39

In church, we quote these beautiful and comforting verses saying that “Nothing can separate us from the love of God.” Yet, out in the world we sometimes say, “I could be wrong about God.” If we say that we could be wrong about God, then we cannot proclaim that nothing can separate us from Him!

Without even realizing it, many Christians today are proclaiming a probable God of the Bible to the world, rather than the certain God of Bible. Join Sye as He teaches you how to defend your faith in the absolute God of Scripture!

Dinosaurs Lived With Humans

Publicado el 10 dic. 2012
Undeniable evidence proving dinosaurs lived with humans.

True Salvation & the TRUE Gospel/Good News http://www.contendingfortruth.com/?p=...

Thermodynamic Arguments for Creation

Publicado el 8 jul. 2013
Seminar by Thomas Kindell D.Ph.Th.
Seattle Creation Conference, July 2004

Dr Kindell describes why the second law of thermodynamics stands as an insurmountable barrier to a naturalistic origin of life. It also examines common evolutionists rebuttal arguments and demonstrates their utter bankruptcy.

About the Speaker:
Thomas Kindell is the founder and president of Reasons for Faith Ministries, dedicated to equipping Christian believers with evidence for their Biblical faith. For over 25 years he has lectured on the subjects of scientific creation and Biblical apologetics. He holds a Doctorate in Theology from International Seminary and received training in scientific creationism at the Institute for Creation Research.

This video was recorded during the Seattle Creation Conference, which is organized each year by the Northwest Creation Network.

Purchase this video at the Creation Science Store.

Purchase the 2004 Seattle Creation Conference boxed set.

Northwest Creation Network

Seattle Creation Conference

Learn more about how creation science supports the Bible at the CreationWiki.

The Big Bang Never Happened

Publicado el 13 jul. 2013
Seminar by Spike Psarris
Seattle Creation Conference, June 2013.
Woodin Valley Baptist Church, Bothell WA.

We're told that our Universe formed in a Big Bang event, about 14 billion years ago. Science programs, textbooks, and other media claim that there's lots of evidence for this. But is this true? In this presentation, we'll examine the Big Bang theory. We'll see that it not only lacks solid evidence, it also contradicts several important laws of science. Overall we'll see that the Big Bang is not a good scientific model. Instead, it has all the characteristics of a religious belief system for atheists -- one that is believed in spite of the evidence, because the alternative (Biblical Creation) implies accountability to a Creator.

About the Speaker:
Spike Psarris has a Bachelor's of Science in Electrical Engineering from the University of Massachusetts, and has done graduate work in Physics. For a number of years, he was an engineer in the U.S. military space program. He went into the U.S. military space program as an atheist and committed evolutionist, and came out of it as a young-earth creationist and Christian. (http://www.CreationAstronomy.com)


This seminar was recorded during the 2013 Seattle Creation Conference at Woodin Valley Baptist Church in Bothell Washington (http://www.woodinvalleybaptist.org/). The NW Creation Network organizes numerous educational programs each year, which feature presentations by speakers, scientists, and authors who are dedicated to defending the Bible and the Christian worldview. These events are open to the public and free to attend.

Northwest Creation Network

Seattle Creation Conference

Apologetics Symposium - monthly program (live streaming)

Purchase educational resources at our Creation Science Store

Learn more about how science supports the Bible at our CreationWiki: Encyclopedia of Creation Science.

Creation Science College Class 102: The Garden of Eden - Class 08 - Dr. Kent Hovind

Beware The New Age


The Grand Canyon - Evidence for the Global Flood - Paul Garner
