Blog para repartir asuntos y noticias de programas favoritas de Ciencia Ficcion, Astronomia y Lectura. Incluye Documentales Factuales en relaccion con estas temas.
AFTERMATH : Population Zero (Full)
Imagine if one minute from now, every single person on Earth disappeared. All 7 billion of us. What would happen to the world without humans? How long would it be before our nuclear power plants erupted, skyscrapers crumbled and satellites dropped from the sky? What would become of the household pets and farm animals? And could an ecosystem plagued with years of pollution ever recover?
Please Note: Even though i don't agree with everything in this documentary i think its interesting and thought provoking to say the least, Enjoy!
Personal besides that of above:
The hipothesis in the video has a lot of things to teach is about caring for the environment. We owe it to the next generation to leave them a world that is cleaner, fair and just. It teaches us that we should all wake up to the reality that the world we are creating is lethal for our children and also, for all the other creatures that share the world with us. If this hipothesis does not wake anyone up from their slumber and ignorance...what will precisely wake them up from their fairy tale world?
Ravi Zacharias Q & A: Staying Up to Date, Postmodernism and Epistemology
Ravi Zacharias answers questions about staying up to date with information and begins talking about Postmodernism.
The questions were posed during a discussion at the European Missions Conference.
The audio was downloaded from under the podcast Just Thinking more
The questions were posed during a discussion at the European Missions Conference.
The audio was downloaded from under the podcast Just Thinking more
Ravi Zacharias Q & A: Honest Seekers not Finding God
Ravi Zacharias and Stuart McAllister answer a question about people who sincerely seek after God but don't end up in Christianity.
The questions were posed during an Atlanta banquet.
The audio was downloaded from under the podcast Just Thinking more
The questions were posed during an Atlanta banquet.
The audio was downloaded from under the podcast Just Thinking more
Ravi Zacharias Q & A: Those Who Want Nothing with God, the Role of Intellect in Pastoral Ministries
Ravi Zacharias and Stuart McAllister answer questions about dealing with those who believe God exists but want nothing to do with him and about the lack of education in matters of the mind in pastoral schools.
The questions were posed during an Atlanta banquet.
The audio was downloaded from under the podcast Just Thinking more
The questions were posed during an Atlanta banquet.
The audio was downloaded from under the podcast Just Thinking more
Ravi Zacharias Q & A: Christian Values in a Democracy, the law of non-contradiction, and absolutes
Ravi Zacharias answers questions on maintaining Christian values in a pluralistic democracy, the use of the law of non-contradiction, and whether or not absolute values are independent of God.
The questions were posed during a forum at the University of Utah
The audio was downloaded from under the podcast Just Thinking more
The questions were posed during a forum at the University of Utah
The audio was downloaded from under the podcast Just Thinking more
Ravi Zacharias Q & A: Mormonism and the Iraq War
Ravi Zacharias answers a question on Mormonism vs Christianity and whether President Bush is a Christian based on the Iraq war.
The questions were posed during a forum at the University of Utah
The audio was downloaded from under the podcast Just Thinking more
The questions were posed during a forum at the University of Utah
The audio was downloaded from under the podcast Just Thinking more
Matt Chandler: "He Can, He Will, and Even If He Doesn't"
Faith is not the confidence that God will do what we want in our lives,
it is the trust we have in God that he will do what is best for our lives.
In this interview of Matt Chandler taken in 2010, the pastor discusses how he has been coping with the news of his brain cancer. Instead of proclaiming that God will definitely heal him, he references the story of Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego, where the 3 boys declare to king Nebuchadnezzar that even if God doesn't save them, they will never compromise their faith.
The song is "God is Able" by Hillsong more
it is the trust we have in God that he will do what is best for our lives.
In this interview of Matt Chandler taken in 2010, the pastor discusses how he has been coping with the news of his brain cancer. Instead of proclaiming that God will definitely heal him, he references the story of Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego, where the 3 boys declare to king Nebuchadnezzar that even if God doesn't save them, they will never compromise their faith.
The song is "God is Able" by Hillsong more
Ravi Zacharias Q & A: Why Doesn't Everyone Know
Ravi Zacharias answers two questions that basically ask why doesn't everyone know about God if He is so apparent.
The questions were posed during a forum at the University of Utah
The audio was downloaded from under the podcast Just Thinking more
The questions were posed during a forum at the University of Utah
The audio was downloaded from under the podcast Just Thinking more
Ravi Zacharias Q & A: Where the Gospel is Needed the Most
Ravi Zacharias continues his answer on the issue of resurrection in Buddhism and discusses where the Gospel in most needed in the world today.
The questions were posed during a meeting at Fourth Presbyterian Church
The audio was downloaded from under the podcast Just Thinking more
The questions were posed during a meeting at Fourth Presbyterian Church
The audio was downloaded from under the podcast Just Thinking more
Ravi Zacharias: The Intolerance of Tolerance (2 of 2)
Ravi Zacharias, Christian Apologist, discusses the problem with the modern tolerance message
The audio was downloaded from under the podcast "Let My People Think"
Part 1: more
The audio was downloaded from under the podcast "Let My People Think"
Part 1: more
Ravi Zacharias: The Intolerance of Tolerance (1 of 2)
Ravi Zacharias, Christian Apologist, discusses the problem with the modern tolerance message
The audio was downloaded from under the podcast "Let My People Think"
Part 2: more
The audio was downloaded from under the podcast "Let My People Think"
Part 2: more
Ravi Zacharias: Is America Abandoning God? (2 of 2)
Ravi Zacharias, Christian Apologist, discusses the rise of secularism in the United States.
The audio was downloaded from under the podcast "Let My People Think"
Part 1: more
The audio was downloaded from under the podcast "Let My People Think"
Part 1: more
Ravi Zacharias: Is America Abandoning God? (1 of 2)
Ravi Zacharias, Christian Apologist, discusses the rise of secularism in the United States.
The audio was downloaded from under the podcast "Let My People Think"
Part 2: more
The audio was downloaded from under the podcast "Let My People Think"
Part 2: more
Ravi Zacharias Q & A: Morality Evolving and Resurrection in Buddhism
Ravi Zacharias answers questions about if morality evolved and whether or not the resurrection is also common to Buddhism
The questions were posed during a meeting at Fourth Presbyterian Church
The audio was downloaded from under the podcast Just Thinking more
The questions were posed during a meeting at Fourth Presbyterian Church
The audio was downloaded from under the podcast Just Thinking more
Ravi Zacharias Q & A: The Uniqueness of the Bible, God vs Allah, Those Who Haven't Heard.wmv
Ravi Zacharias, Stuart McAllister & Allison Thomas answer questions about what makes the Bible unique, comparing Christianity and Islam, and how God will treat those who never hear about Jesus.
The questions were posed during a meeting at the Woodmen Valley Chapel in Colorado Springs, Colorado
The audio was downloaded from under the podcast Just Thinking more
The questions were posed during a meeting at the Woodmen Valley Chapel in Colorado Springs, Colorado
The audio was downloaded from under the podcast Just Thinking more
Ravi Zacharias Q & A: The Failings of the Church and Can a Homosexual be a Sincere Christian?
Ravi Zacharias and Michael Ramsden continue answering questions about the failings of the church and discuss whether someone can be both a homosexual and a genuine Christian.
The questions were posed during a meeting at the Fox Theater in Atlanta
The audio was downloaded from under the podcast Just Thinking more
The questions were posed during a meeting at the Fox Theater in Atlanta
The audio was downloaded from under the podcast Just Thinking more
Ravi Zacharias Q & A: The Origins and Flaws of Postmodernism
Ravi Zacharias answers questions about the origins of Postmodernism.
The questions were posed during a discussion at the European Missions Conference.
The audio was downloaded from under the podcast Just Thinking more
The questions were posed during a discussion at the European Missions Conference.
The audio was downloaded from under the podcast Just Thinking more
Ravi Zacharias Q & A: Apologetics in a Postmodern World and the Next Generation
Ravi Zacharias answers questions about the effects of Postmodernism and modernism.
The questions were posed during a discussion at the European Missions Conference.
The audio was downloaded from under the podcast Just Thinking more
The questions were posed during a discussion at the European Missions Conference.
The audio was downloaded from under the podcast Just Thinking more
Ravi Zacharias Q & A: Preaching and Leadership in a Postmodern World
Ravi Zacharias answers questions about preaching and leadership in a postmodern world.
The questions were posed during a discussion at the European Missions Conference.
The audio was downloaded from under the podcast Just Thinking more
The questions were posed during a discussion at the European Missions Conference.
The audio was downloaded from under the podcast Just Thinking more
Ravi Zacharias Q & A: What are the Effects of Postmodernism and Modernism
Ravi Zacharias answers questions about the effects of Postmodernism and modernism.
The questions were posed during a discussion at the European Missions Conference.
The audio was downloaded from under the podcast Just Thinking more
The questions were posed during a discussion at the European Missions Conference.
The audio was downloaded from under the podcast Just Thinking more
Ravi Zacharias Q & A: Errors in Teaching, Worship, Trusting God, and the Failings of the Church
Ravi Zacharias and Michael Ramsden answers questions about poor teaching, worship, trusting in God, and the failings of the Church today.
The questions were posed during a meeting at the Fox Theater in Atlanta
The audio was downloaded from under the podcast Just Thinking more
The questions were posed during a meeting at the Fox Theater in Atlanta
The audio was downloaded from under the podcast Just Thinking more
Ravi Zacharias Q & A: Homosexuality and Questioning/Doubting Your Faith
Ravi Zacharias and Michael Ramsden continue answering questions about homosexuality and doubting/questioning your faith when God feels far away.
The questions were posed during a meeting at the Fox Theater in Atlanta
The audio was downloaded from under the podcast Just Thinking more
The questions were posed during a meeting at the Fox Theater in Atlanta
The audio was downloaded from under the podcast Just Thinking more
Seeing Earth IN Space [new ISS timelapse footage]
We've all seen pictures of Earth from space, but have we really taken the time to appreciate what our planet looks like against the starscapes of the Milky Way galaxy? Here, we beckon viewers to see Earth in its cosmic context, which includs the stars, interstellar gases, the moon, the sun, and the solar winds. Be sure to watch in full HD, 1080p, and imagine you're an astronaut aboard the International Space Station with a little time on your hands. more
Evidencia cientifica que apunta hacia Dios- El caso de un Creador
Investigación de un periodista ateo en busca de una explicación científica acerca de la existencia de Dios. ¿Los decubrimientos recientes en las distintas areas de la ciencia nos acercan o alejan de la posible existencia de un Dios Creador? Las deficiencias del Darwinismo ante la Explosión Cámbrica. Disensión Científica al Darwinismo. Las deficiencias del Darwinismo y del materialismo reduccionista. El origen del Universo. Universo Bien Afinado. Universos multiples.
El Colapso del Darwinismo ~ The Collapse of Darwinism
Documental que explica las deficiencias de la teoría de la evolución, y como ésta no está ni mucho menos demostrada. Enfoca el tema desde tres perspectivas: 1.- El origen de la vida. 2.- Mecanismos imaginarios de la evolución 3.- Registros fósiles
Does GOD exist? Scientific EVIDENCE and PROOF! (part 1of 6)
Here is the scientific evidence, expert research, philosophical worldviews and theological research that you won't hear in Public Education, Wikipedia or the liberal media information dispensors. Please watch all 6 parts. This just scratches the surface of all the evidence for INTELLIGENT DESIGN. From atomic proof to DNA programs, this will get you started on the alternative worldview from the hopeless happenstance that the secularists and evolutionists want you to believe. Evolution is just a passe theory devised before the discovery of DNA design by a primitive atheist. Please expand your mind and move beyond these outdated stabs at atheism. Dr. Kent Hovind dr. dino creation evidnce museum carl baugh evolution intelligent design polonium halos halo earth Bible banning Grant Jeffrey Bible Codes signature of God Lee Stroble strobel case for Christ faith end times awakening
Mars Opportunity Discoveries @ 8 Years
The Mars rover Opportunity was supposed to last three months. It's now going on Nine. It's proved so durable that in 2011 it was essentially sent on a whole new mission.
Opportunity reached a multi-year driving destination, Endeavour Crater, in August 2011. At Endeavour's rim, it has gained access to geological deposits from an earlier period of Martian history than anything it examined during its first seven years. It also has begun an investigation of the planet's deep interior that takes advantage of staying in one place for the Martian winter.
Opportunity landed in Eagle Crater on Mars on Jan. 25, 2004, Universal Time and EST (Jan. 24, PST), three weeks after its rover twin, Spirit, landed halfway around the planet. In backyard-size Eagle Crater, Opportunity found evidence of an ancient wet environment. The mission met all its goals within the originally planned span of three months. During most of the next four years, it explored successively larger and deeper craters, ad... more
Opportunity reached a multi-year driving destination, Endeavour Crater, in August 2011. At Endeavour's rim, it has gained access to geological deposits from an earlier period of Martian history than anything it examined during its first seven years. It also has begun an investigation of the planet's deep interior that takes advantage of staying in one place for the Martian winter.
Opportunity landed in Eagle Crater on Mars on Jan. 25, 2004, Universal Time and EST (Jan. 24, PST), three weeks after its rover twin, Spirit, landed halfway around the planet. In backyard-size Eagle Crater, Opportunity found evidence of an ancient wet environment. The mission met all its goals within the originally planned span of three months. During most of the next four years, it explored successively larger and deeper craters, ad... more
How Could Mutations Create the Huge Volumes of Information in the DNA of Living Things?
15 Questions for Evolutionists -- Question 3 - Genesis Unleashed
Question 3 in CMI's '15 Questions for Evolutionists' flyer focuses on the inability of evolutionists to explain how the huge amount of complex coded information (the "blueprint") to build living things could come about by mutation, a mechanism is observed to destroy and delete genetic information. In this episode Richard Fangrad and Calvin Smith discuss the question and the attempts to answer it..
Related content
• List of the 15 questions with supporting information (
• It is not the amount of change mutations produce, it is the type of change that is a problem for evolution. See:
• Haldane's Dilemma: a serious problem for evolution. (
• Cost theory and the cost of substitution—a clarification (
• Natural Selection Q&A page (
• Download the "Mendel's Accountant" program (http://creation/... more
Question 3 in CMI's '15 Questions for Evolutionists' flyer focuses on the inability of evolutionists to explain how the huge amount of complex coded information (the "blueprint") to build living things could come about by mutation, a mechanism is observed to destroy and delete genetic information. In this episode Richard Fangrad and Calvin Smith discuss the question and the attempts to answer it..
Related content
• List of the 15 questions with supporting information (
• It is not the amount of change mutations produce, it is the type of change that is a problem for evolution. See:
• Haldane's Dilemma: a serious problem for evolution. (
• Cost theory and the cost of substitution—a clarification (
• Natural Selection Q&A page (
• Download the "Mendel's Accountant" program (http://creation/... more
La teoría moderna de la evolución fue elaborada por el científico británico Charles Darwin en su libro titulado: "Sobre el origen de las especies mediante la selección Natural" publicado en 1859 y dicho concepto ha sido mantenido con algunas pequeñas modificaciones, por tanto la Teoría General de la Evolución se podría definir así:
Toda la materia viviente como se conoce hoy día se originó por una fuente original. De esta fuente espontáneamente producida, probablemente originándose en el agua oceánica primitiva de una combinación de ya existentes moléculas y átomos, la vida comenzó--por eones de tiempo, los cambios en esta forma de vida sucedieron en una manera progresiva. De la vida unicelular se originaron las más complicadas formas de vida invertebradas, multicelulares, y de esas, la vida vertebrada. Finalmente, el hombre primitivo apareció y evolucionó en la especie humana de la actualidad. Las Pruebas de que la teoría de la evolución es cierta, en el sentido riguroso de una ... more
Toda la materia viviente como se conoce hoy día se originó por una fuente original. De esta fuente espontáneamente producida, probablemente originándose en el agua oceánica primitiva de una combinación de ya existentes moléculas y átomos, la vida comenzó--por eones de tiempo, los cambios en esta forma de vida sucedieron en una manera progresiva. De la vida unicelular se originaron las más complicadas formas de vida invertebradas, multicelulares, y de esas, la vida vertebrada. Finalmente, el hombre primitivo apareció y evolucionó en la especie humana de la actualidad. Las Pruebas de que la teoría de la evolución es cierta, en el sentido riguroso de una ... more
Ravi Zacharias Q & A: Speaking to the Dying, an Optimist, is this an Illusion?
Ravi Zacharias answers questions on how to speak to someone with no hope, how to speak to someone who is an optimist and doesn't need God, and someone who thinks Christianity is just another illusion.
The questions were posed during a meeting in India.
The audio was downloaded from under the podcast Just Thinking. more
The questions were posed during a meeting in India.
The audio was downloaded from under the podcast Just Thinking. more
Ravi Zacharias Q & A: the Purpose of Humanity and Paganism in Christianity
Ravi Zacharias answers questions on what is the purpose in life and on the pagan influences on Christian traditions
The questions were posed during a meeting at the University of Washington.
The audio was downloaded from under the podcast Just Thinking. more
The questions were posed during a meeting at the University of Washington.
The audio was downloaded from under the podcast Just Thinking. more
Ravi Zacharias Q & A: What is the purpose of man? (Touches gay marriage)
Ravi Zacharias answers questions on the purpose of man. In doing, so he also gets into the issue of gay marriage.
The questions were posed during a meeting in India.
The audio was downloaded from under the podcast Just Thinking. more
The questions were posed during a meeting in India.
The audio was downloaded from under the podcast Just Thinking. more
The Shrinking [Expanding] Moon
New images from NASA's Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter (LRO) spacecraft show the moon's crust is being stretched, forming minute valleys in a few small areas on the lunar surface. Scientists propose this geologic activity occurred less than 50 million years ago, which is considered recent compared to the moon's age of more than 4.5 billion years.
A team of researchers analyzing high-resolution images obtained by the Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter Camera (LROC) show small, narrow trenches typically much longer than they are wide. This indicates the lunar crust is being pulled apart at these locations. These linear valleys, known as graben, form when the moon's crust stretches, breaks and drops down along two bounding faults. A handful of these graben systems have been found across the lunar surface.
We think the moon is in a general state of global contraction because of cooling of a still hot interior," said Thomas Watters of the Center for Earth and Planetary Studies at the Smiths... more
A team of researchers analyzing high-resolution images obtained by the Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter Camera (LROC) show small, narrow trenches typically much longer than they are wide. This indicates the lunar crust is being pulled apart at these locations. These linear valleys, known as graben, form when the moon's crust stretches, breaks and drops down along two bounding faults. A handful of these graben systems have been found across the lunar surface.
We think the moon is in a general state of global contraction because of cooling of a still hot interior," said Thomas Watters of the Center for Earth and Planetary Studies at the Smiths... more
Birth of a Great Observatory
See this fascinating story from ESOCast. For many centuries, maps of the southern sky showed extensive blank areas -- the Terra Incognita of the heavens. The year 1595: For the first time, Dutch traders set sail to the East Indies. At night, navigators Pieter Keyser and Frederik de Houtman measured the positions of more than 130 stars in the southern sky. Soon, celestial globes and maps showed twelve new constellations, none of which had ever been seen before by any European.
The British were the first to construct a permanent astronomical outpost in the southern hemisphere. The Royal Observatory at the Cape of Good Hope was founded in 1820. Not much later, John Herschel built his own private observatory, close to South Africa's famous Table Mountain.
What a view! Dark skies. Bright clusters and star clouds high overhead. Little wonder that Harvard, Yale and Leiden observatories followed suit with their own southern stations. But the exploration of the southern sky still too... more
The British were the first to construct a permanent astronomical outpost in the southern hemisphere. The Royal Observatory at the Cape of Good Hope was founded in 1820. Not much later, John Herschel built his own private observatory, close to South Africa's famous Table Mountain.
What a view! Dark skies. Bright clusters and star clouds high overhead. Little wonder that Harvard, Yale and Leiden observatories followed suit with their own southern stations. But the exploration of the southern sky still too... more
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