Star Trek Into Darkness: "Creating A Convincing Enterprise"

Does the Bible Teach a Young Earth? - Creation Today with Frank Sherwin

The Search for Earth like Planets (FULL VIDEO)

Mision de Kepler para buscar planetas similares a la Tierra.

El Universo El Futuro Oscuro del Sol Documental History Channel Español...

Un hipotiposis sobre lo que puede ocurrir al sol entre los próximos billones de años. Resulta que podría llegar a consumir los principales planetas del sistema solar hasta que colapsa en una supernova.

Quick Coal

Top 15 Evidences for God and Creation - Jason Browning

Creation + The Bible = No Excuses! - Jason Browning

The Miracle of Development Part 2 | Origins with Dr. Paul A. Nelson

The Miracle of Development Part 1 - Origins with Dr. Paul A. Nelson

Pawpaw Surprise Fights Cancer

Creation Today Interviews Ken Ham - Millions of Years is the Problem. Evolution is the Symptom.. | Should Every Christian be a Young Earth Creationist?

Paul Taylor an Eric Hovind go on-location to Mobile, AL to interview Answers in Genesis founder Ken Ham. They discuss the early days of Ken's ministry, gay marriage, and the state of the Church in USA & America as it has failed to uphold the authority of God's Word
Featured Resources

Already Gone by Ken Ham []

The Lie: Evolution/Millions of Years by Ken Ham []

Ken Ham's Foundations Curriculum Set []

What Was the World Like Directly After the Flood? | Creation Today with Stephen Lawwell.

by slaves4christ

Publicado el 27/02/2013 | Paul Taylor and Eric Hovind welcome special guest Stephen Lawwell to discuss how society developed immediately following the flood, including the context of cave men and the stone age in creation history.

Featured Resources The Genius of Ancient Man - Adams' Chart of History w/FREE Teacher's Guide - The Annals of the World (Paperback) - James Ussher -
Echoes of Eden, a ministry of Victory Baptist Church in Shelbyville, TN, is dedicated to exposing the concept of evolution for what it really is—the most dangerous and destructive idea ever put forth. It is our desire to use the Creation message as a tool to strengthen the faith of believers in the Word of God and challenge the worldview of non-believers. This is done through the fast-paced and informative seminar presentations of Stephen Lawwell, the founder of Echoes of Eden.

If you would like to have Echoes of Eden present the truths of God's Creation to your church, school, or club, please contact us for scheduling availability. Please note that there is no financial obligation in hosting a meeting. Echoes of Eden strives to be faith-based ministry that trusts in God's ability to meet its financial needs through the generosity of His people (Luke 6:38).

Speaker Biography

Stephen Lawwell received his undergraduate degree (B.Sc.) in Computer Science from Middle Tennessee State University in 1995 and a Masters of Theology (Th.M.) from Baptist College of America and Theological Seminary in 2007. Mr. Lawwell's research into the subjects of creation and evolution, which began in 1991, led to the formation of the Victory Baptist School of Creation Science in Shelbyville, Tennessee in 2001 and Echoes of Eden in 2007.

There, along with his wife Barbie and two daughters, Savannah and Emma, Mr. Lawwell is active in various local church ministries and currently serves on the Board of Directors for Life Worth Living Ministries and God Quest.

The Dead Sea Scrolls: Confirming the text of the Bible is unchanged over time! - Dr. Don Patton

Intro to Creation Science: What your University Professors Won't Tell You - Dr. Don Patton

Publicado el 25/03/2013 | Creation Science is usually defined by the media as the Genesis account of creation - what is normally taught in the Sunday School classroom. The charge is continually repeated but it is not true. Creation science is scientific evidence, not religious dogma. Both creation and evolution have profound religious, philosophical implications, yet, both may be investigated scientifically. Chief Justice Rienquist and Justice Scalla pointed out that creation science involved the study of biology, paleontology, genetics, astronomy, astrophysics, probability analysis and biochemistry. They concluded that this discipline was the study "of scientific data supporting the theory that the physical universe and life within it appeared suddenly and have not changed substantially since appearing...Creation Science is a strictly scientific concept that...does not require the presentation of religious doctrine." Many have difficulty imagining scientific evidence for creation, perhaps because it is zealously censored from our classrooms. The truth is, there is a great deal of such evidence. Watch this video and see for yourself.

Can a Biblical Creationist Make Sense of Astronomy | Creation Today with David Rives

BibleArchaeology just uploaded a video

The Record of the Rocks and the Geologic Column | Dr. Don Patton

Embryology Gene Control Confounds Evolution

Fossil Man - Dr. Don Patton

The Fossil Record - Dr. Don Patton

Man and Dinosaur Coexisted: Evidence from South America | Dr. Don Patton

Man and Dinosaur Coexisted: Evidence from South America | Dr. Don Patton

Publicado el 01/04/2013 | Dinosaur Art in South America - Dr. Patton has made numerous trips to Peru, together with Dr. Dennis Swift, to investigate the ceremonial burial stones found in the Inca tombs (c.a. 500-1500 AD). Almost one third of the stones depict specific types of dinosaurs. The evolutionary scenario tells us that man and dinosaur were separated by at least 65 million years and "modern" man's conception of dinosaurs did not begin until the 1800's. This find appears to falsify that theory and verify the fact that ancient Peruvians saw these dinosaurs. See the stones for yourself. Hear the whole story and learn of the numerous independent sources of confirmation. See the ancient tombs and view the tapestry (ca. 700AD) which clearly displays the dinosaur motif. Visit the ruins of Tiwanaku, a city that existed before Christ with astounding technology; 20000 ton building stones, precisely cut into complex geometrical shapes, ancient temple walls decorated with human faces typical of today's races. This is a record that defies the often heard story of "primitive" man and evolutionary development.

If you want, you can get this video on DVD at

What is Faith? - Dr. Don Patton

The Laws of Science Support Young Earth Creation - Dr. Don Patton

Dinosaurs Lived With Humans- History Uncovered 7/7

Dinosaurs Lived With Humans- History Uncovered 6/7

Dinosaurs Lived With Humans- History Uncovered 5/7

Dinosaurs Lived With Humans- History Uncovered 4/7

Dinosaurs Lived With Humans- History Uncovered 3/7

Dinosaurs Lived With Humans- History Uncovered 2/7

Dinosaurs Lived With Humans- History Uncovered 1/7

Circular RNAs Increase Cell Bio-Complexity

Benefits from Rejecting Evolution

Hubble Supernova

Earth Surface Shaped by Flood by Michael Oard.

Variety of evidences for the receding of the Floodwater off the continents will be provided. Geological evidence is first presented for differential vertical tectonics to drain the Floodwater. As the Floodwater first drains as wide currents, great erosion occurs with the formation of planation surfaces and the long transport of resistant rocks. As more and more land is exposed above the Floodwater, the water becomes more channelized forming another set of unique landforms. Water and wind gaps, pediments, and submarine canyons will be described. All these features are very difficult, if not impossible, to explain by the uniformitarian paradigm, providing strong evidence for the reality of the Genesis Flood.
Northwest Creation Network Play List


Evolution Impossible Facebook

Dr Richard Kent
The author of this web site is Dr Richard Kent, who operates out of a registered non - profit UK charity, The Final Frontier Charitable Trust, UK Registration No 1106663.
Richard is a retired medical doctor, and an ordained Christian minister.
He is interested only in promoting the Gospel of Jesus Christ, and providing free Christian evangelistic and educational material.
Richard sells no material at all, of any kind, ever.
Richard also gives Free Conferences anywhere in the world, at no cost at all to the churches or organizations involved. Please see Recommendations for Dr Richard Kent's Free Conferences

Bye-Bye, Big Bang | Creation Magazine Live. | One of the pillars of the Big Bang theory is that the light we see from objects far away has a higher redshift than closer objects. However, quasars with a very high redshift have been discovered in and near galaxies that have a low redshift. Richard Fangrad and Calvin Smith explain what this means for the Big Bang.

Main article:
From Creation magazine 29(2) Bye-bye, big bang? (

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