Blog para repartir asuntos y noticias de programas favoritas de Ciencia Ficcion, Astronomia y Lectura. Incluye Documentales Factuales en relaccion con estas temas.
God's Cosmic Handiwork - Real Science Supports a Biblical Cosmology - Dr. G. Charles Jackson
Bible-Believers often self-inflict with a sense that "science" has a monopoly on truth and has "proven" the Bible not only ignorant on science fact, but actually in error when speaking on it. Not so. It is said, "The Bible is not a science book." That may be so. It is a book of mostly history and theology. But where it does speak of science, it has proven not only to be broadly reliable, but in fact hundreds or thousands of years ahead of man's own limited knowledge of his universe. This lively audio-augmented powerpoint lecture vividly brings home the point of biblical authority and factuality. It also fully demonstrates the totally hypothetical and perpetually tentative nature of what mankind falsely has called "science." Be encouraged in both science and the faith, through this message. They are one in the same, whether anybody is willing to admit it or not. We'd might as well admit it.
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A Thousand Years In A Day - Dr. G. Thomas Sharp
A Thousand Years In A Day - Dr. G. Thomas Sharp
A Thousand Years in a Day: The Mt. St. Helens Catastrophe By Dr. G. Thomas Sharp Did you know that God can and has used natural processes in a supernatural way to impact the surface of the earth with thousands of years of change in only ONE day? What do you suppose happened when "all of the fountains of the great deep opened" at the beginning of the Flood of Noah? When you look at the canyons, mountains, rock layers and fossils of the earth, how do you explain them? The Bible has sound, reasonable explanations for these marvelous observations. Did you know that in 1980 an eleven-year process was begun at Mt. St. Helens that epitomized on a small scale the action and results of the Great Genesis Flood...that it was proven that God could take a catastrophe and do the geological work of thousands, even millions, of years in ONE day? In this program, G. Dr. Sharp will be your guide through the seconds, minutes and days the eye-opening action of catastrophic earth slides, tidal-like wave... more
Design - The Evolutionary Nightmare
The earth—tilted at the perfect degree to maintain the right conditions for life on this planet. The sun—located at the perfect distance from the earth to provide light and heat without destroying vital life elements. Living organisms—working inexplicably together to sustain life. There is only one thing that can explain these wonders: Intelligent Design. This design can be seen everywhere, from the location of stars and galaxies to the most intricate details of nature. In this program, Dr. Sharp will guide you through our amazing universe, pointing out the handprints of God that surround us. Hear the mathematical probabilities for these features happening by chance, and witness the flawless design of the omnipotent Creator.
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About Dr. Sharp
Thomas Sharp has achieved national and international recognition as a... more
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Big Deal - The Hot Potato of the Century
You might be wondering what the meaning of the title is. A lot of people tend to think that Religion and Politics are the hottest issued to avoid discussing in the bar or restaurant, or even a dinner date for that matter. The blood pressure goes through the roof when those two topics are raised in any discussion. Let me introduce you to another hot potato...the big hype about the 2012 alignment and the Mayan Calendar. This topic has come into the list of hot potatoes due to it's diverse complexity and the controversies surrounding the matter.
There are people who think it is a lot of hogwash, and yet others strive to prove the existance of a 10th planet in our solar system, that is difficult to spot...That is all it is, a spot in the distance, perhaps, further out in the solar system than even Pluto. This theory of a doomsday planet is hard to believe. There are even professional astronomers who denounce that the Nibiru even exists. Where from and how does anyone get any trace of evidence that this mysterious object exists?
Has it been hanging around in the maps of ancient civilzations apart from the Mayan? It would take having to create an entire blog in itself to collect the multitudes of theories and hype regarding Nibiru. There is content out there about this that borders on the complete lunasy, so we advise readers and viewers never to consider this hype as utterly serious.
There are people who think it is a lot of hogwash, and yet others strive to prove the existance of a 10th planet in our solar system, that is difficult to spot...That is all it is, a spot in the distance, perhaps, further out in the solar system than even Pluto. This theory of a doomsday planet is hard to believe. There are even professional astronomers who denounce that the Nibiru even exists. Where from and how does anyone get any trace of evidence that this mysterious object exists?
Has it been hanging around in the maps of ancient civilzations apart from the Mayan? It would take having to create an entire blog in itself to collect the multitudes of theories and hype regarding Nibiru. There is content out there about this that borders on the complete lunasy, so we advise readers and viewers never to consider this hype as utterly serious.
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Meteorite over Guadalajara Sept 2006
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Meteor over Guadalajara (México) 22/9/2006.
(Original title: " Meteor Blaze... awesome!!! " ).
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The Truth about Dinosaurs
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Wonders of the Cell
Cell Biology provides many extraordinary examples of intelligent design. Inside each and every organism reside biomechanical systems that Darwin and his contemporaries could never have imagined. Even today, much of what is happening inside cells is still not understood, and yet evolutionists hold fast to a belief that these remarkable constructs developed without God.
These two contrasting views of the cell provide poignant illustration of how worldviews impact our interpretation of physical evidence. In his presentation, Chris Ashcraft will discuss the cell as it relates to these opposing views and describe some important cellular features, which offer testimony to the glory of the Creator.
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This video file is a 60 minute seminar by Chris Ashcraft that was recorded during the Seattle Creation Conference - -, October 2009.
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These two contrasting views of the cell provide poignant illustration of how worldviews impact our interpretation of physical evidence. In his presentation, Chris Ashcraft will discuss the cell as it relates to these opposing views and describe some important cellular features, which offer testimony to the glory of the Creator.
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This video file is a 60 minute seminar by Chris Ashcraft that was recorded during the Seattle Creation Conference - -, October 2009.
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The Miracle of Life - Chris Ashcraft
This presentation will examine the origin of life and illustrate that evolution is simply without a foundation. Life began through the actions of a God of supreme intelligence and creative power - actions that could never be reproduced by mere humans and will never be explained without reference to intelligent causation.
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What Happened to Darwin's Tree of Life?
Throughout the 20th century, Darwin's picture of all organisms on Earth arising from a great Tree, with a single root, dominated biology. Within the past decade, however, a growing number of evolutionary biologists have announced that biology must "go beyond the doctrine of common descent" and that "the Tree of Life is dead." What discoveries motivate these claims? What are the consequences for the origins debate? In his talk, Dr. Nelson will review the genomic data fracturing the Tree of Life at its base, and what this means for the future of biology.
This video file is a 60 minute seminar by Paul Nelson [ ] that was recorded during the Seattle Creation Conference [ ], October 2010.
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About the Speaker:
Paul A. Nelson is a philosopher of biolog... more
Decepción Mas Grande de Todo los Tiempos - La Evolución
La evolución ha jugado uno de los mayores roles teológica de la historia, que afecta a un sinnúmero de personas y el desplazamiento de la visión del mundo de civilizaciones enteras. Pero, ¿dónde esta teoría viene? ¿Cuál es su verdadera historia y creencias fundamentales? Buscar en este programa sin precedentes, Dr. Sharp le guiará a través de la historia, teorías y falacias de la evolución. Escucha las palabras notables de los propios científicos y explorar la verdad detrás del movimiento. Descubrir el engaño más grande de todos.
VLT Update 8 {31st of August 2011}: The Star That Should Not Exist
A team of European astronomers has used ESO's Very Large Telescope (VLT) to track down a star in the Milky Way that many thought was impossible. They discovered that this star is composed almost entirely of hydrogen and helium, with only remarkably small amounts of other chemical elements in it. This intriguing composition places it in the "forbidden zone" of a widely accepted theory of star formation, meaning that it should never have come into existence in the first place. The results will appear in the 1 September 2011 issue of the journal Nature.
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