What Happened to Darwin's Tree of Life?

Throughout the 20th century, Darwin's picture of all organisms on Earth arising from a great Tree, with a single root, dominated biology. Within the past decade, however, a growing number of evolutionary biologists have announced that biology must "go beyond the doctrine of common descent" and that "the Tree of Life is dead." What discoveries motivate these claims? What are the consequences for the origins debate? In his talk, Dr. Nelson will review the genomic data fracturing the Tree of Life at its base, and what this means for the future of biology.
This video file is a 60 minute seminar by Paul Nelson [ http://creationwiki.org/Paul_Nelson ] that was recorded during the Seattle Creation Conference [ http://nwcreation.net/conference ], October 2010.
View more videos from the 2010 conference - http://nwcreation.net/scc10.html


About the Speaker:

Paul A. Nelson is a philosopher of biolog... more
