EMVs, Sun Control and the Solar Anvil - James Horak's report

EMVs, Sun Control and the Solar Anvil - James Horak's report.
(Original title: "EMVs, Sun Control and the Solar Anvil - James Horak explains").

Video imported from:

[ Text imported from cited channel: " Uploaded by OmetaOne on Jul 20, 2011 - Giant Object discovered near our Sun - The Solar Anvil.

Six weeks of solar activity - timelapse from June 1. 2011 to July 12. 2011
Composit of images from SECCHI COR2-A and SECCHI EUVI-A 304
provided by Naval Research Laboratory on: http:// www.Helioviewer.org

James Horak explains some astonishing phenomena we witness around our Sun. Next to the Sun, in a two o'clock position we see an object that is called the 'Solar Anvil' and has never been mentioned by science. This object is larger than all our planets together and has been there all the time and is captured by solar observatories in space and now published for the whole world to see. The sensation being that these images are actually presented to us...
