A Matter Of Time: How Dating Methods Work - Bruce Malone

 A Matter Of Time: How Dating Methods Work - Bruce Malone
Most people realize that evolution requires the belief in billions of years of earth history. Yet few people are aware that majority of dating methods indicate the earth is too young for evolution to have happened.

The foundation of old age dating methods, upon which the assumption of an old earth (and evolution) rest, is radiometric dating. This lecture shows how radiometric methods are misinterpreted to give erroneously old dates. Sadly, you won't find this evidence mentioned in your child's textbook, science magazines, nor museums because science has been redefined to eliminate the consideration of God's existence.

Bruce Malone gave his life to Christ over 20 years ago, as the Lord miraculously preserved him through a close call with death. Since that time Bruce has looked for a deeper purpose in life and realized that rejection of Biblical truth, justified by belief in evolution, is the acid which is eating away at the moral foundation of our culture.

Bruce spent 27 years wor... more
