Creation / Evolution Debate on the Fossil Record - Dr. Don Patton vs John Blanton

Creation/Evolution Debate: The Fossil Record is more compatible with the model of Creation than the model of Evolution

International Atheist Alliance Conference, March 30th, 2002
Harvey Hotel, DFW, Irving, Texas

Debate between Dr. Don Patton (scientist, Christian) and John Blanton, (atheist, evolutionist, humanist, Bible skeptic)

Propositions for Debate: The fossil record is more compatible with the model of creation than the model of evolution.

Affirm: Dr. Don Patton The fossil record is more compatible with the model of evolution than the model of creation.

Affirm: Mr. John Blanton
Mr. John Blanton is originally from Tolar, Texas. He grew up in Grenbury and attended U. Texas, Austin after a brief stint on active duty with the US Navy Reserves. He has a BS in Engineering Science from U. Texas, Austin and MS degrees in Math/Computer Science and Physics from U. Texas, Dallas. He lives in Dallas and works as a research scientist for Alcatel in Piano. Mr. Blanton is... more
