Origins - Analyzing an Outdated Theory [ Evolution ] with Ralph Muncaster

Origins - Analyzing an Outdated Theory with Ralph Muncaster
Watch as scientists, researchers and authors share relevant facts and thought-provoking evidence supporting creation. Join us for Cornerstone TeleVision's unique program entitled, ORIGINS, and then decide for yourself the truth about your human origins.

Donn Chapman reminds us,"It's God's view that He created you... and that should be your worldview too!"

See Ralph Muncaster's books here!

Meet Ralph Muncaster:

Ralph Muncaster frequently speaks to colleges, organizations, and churches on topics of world religion and Biblical authority. He is a university professor who has taught business, communications and religion courses. He also teaches apologetics at Saddleback Church.

A former atheist and hardcore skeptic, Muncaster spent many years conducting research in an attempt to disprove... more
